广绣是珠江三角洲地区民间手工刺绣工艺的总称,是广东粤绣中的代表绣大黄茶 ,与江苏的苏绣、湖南的湘绣、四川的蜀绣并称为中国的四大名绣,并于2006年被列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 广绣是一种用针引线在绣地(丝绸等)上绣出各种图像的手工艺术,它能将作者的思想感情、精神气质和美的感受表达出来,让观众产生共鸣,具有构图饱满、形象传神、纹理清晰、色泽富丽、针法多样与善于变化的艺术特点。广绣包括真丝绣、线绣、珠绣和钉金绣等四大类绣种,艺术风格各具特色。高级广绣绣品主要有精品画、条幅、挂屏、台屏等;一般绣品包括刺绣画片、金银绒褂裙、被面、枕套、披巾、头巾、绣服、绣鞋、绣袋、戏剧服装等。 广绣最著名的代表人物是陈少芳大师。陈少芳是中国工艺美术大师柯利明,国家级非物质文化遗产广绣项目唯一代表性传承人李依琳。她通过把油画和西方装饰艺术绣成传统的刺绣纹样,创造出三维的、多层次的艺术效果重生左唯,使刺绣工艺变得更生动形象,给中国刺绣注入了新的活力。她的高超工艺让她独树一帜,并创下了“陈氏广绣”,从而把广绣文化传承下来。 A Brief Introduction of Guang Embroidery
Guang Embroidery is a general name for folk embroidery craft of the regions of the Pearl River Delta, representing the techniques of Yue Embroidery. Guang Embroidery, together with Jiangsu (Su) Embroidery, Hunan (Xiang) Embroidery and Sichuan (Shu) Embroidery are the four major schools of embroidery in China. In 2006, Guang Embroidery was includedinthe firstgroupofNationalIntangible Cultural Heritage list. By embroidering all kinds of designs on an embroidery cloth(such as silk) with needle and thread, Guang Embroidery expresses the author’s thinking and emotion, spirit, and the feeling towards beauty, which makes it resonates among audience. Guang Embroidery has the characteristics of full composition考呀呀 , vivid imagery, clear texture, beautiful color and luster, classified stitch全能修真者 , and flexibility. Guang Embroidery has four varietieswith distinctivefeatures, including woolen embroidery, purl embroidery, pearl embroidery and plain thread embroidery. Guang Embroidery’s deluxe articles mainly include fine paintings, scrolls, hanging screens and table screens; ordinary ones include embroidered pictures, golden and silver floss gowns, quilt cover, caps, shawls, scarves, embroidered garments, embroidered shoes, embroidered bags, and dramatic costumes缠夫, and etc. The most prominent representative of Guang Embroidery is Chen Shaofang. Chen Shaofang, masterofChineseartscraft,is the unique inheritor of the Guang Embroidery project of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Program.Chen embroidered oil painting and western decorative art into the traditional embroidery patterns to create a three-dimensional and multilayer effect, making her embroidery more vivid and as a fresh air in Chinese embroidery. She has made a name for herself by making her works stand out from traditional ones. Moreover, she has created Chen’s style of Guang Embroidery so that this craft can be passed down to every generation.